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When the internet sector refuses to acknowledge domain investor, content creator, the domain investor will become demotivated

Quad Marrakech

The tech, internet companies, government agencies have been running a massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket on a hardworking older single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka, refusing to acknowledge the time and money she alone spends alone.
Instead since 2010, all her data has been robbed to make fake claims about the lazy greedy girlfriends and associates of the liar top indian government employees who are getting monthly government salaries only for faking online income, domain ownership, without spending any time, without paying expenses in a case of government online, financial fraud, slavery.
The domain fraudster government employees are also robbing the advertising, affiliate income of the real domain investor, causing great losses. In all other sectors, the companies and government agencies will acknowledge the investor, worker spending their time and money, only the indian internet sector continues its financial fraud, slavery of the real domain investor.
For all other work, like crypto, app work, the workers are paid, only for content creation and domains, in most cases, the investor is getting nothing for the time she alone spends, making a loss. So if advertising income is very low, and government agencies refuse to acknowledge the real domain investor, paying salaries to frauds, the motivation to create quality content disappears.